11 Best Practices for Peer Code Review
White Paper
Best practices for effective, efficient reviews using lessons learned from field work and experiments from the past 10 years.
The Case for Peer Code Review
Hard evidence and common-sense arguments for why code review is a good idea. Introduces this article series on how a lightweight peer code review process can remove defects without wasting time.
Part 1 of the 8-part series "Lightweight Peer Code Review" written by Jason Cohen, founder of Smart Bear and published by CM Crossroads.
Why Code Inspections Fail
Explains why Fagan Inspections and similar formal code review processes don't work in practice, and what we can do about it.
Part 2 of the 8-part series "Lightweight Peer Code Review" written by Jason Cohen, founder of Smart Bear and published by CM Crossroads.
Pros & Cons of Four Types of Review
Shows pros and cons of the four most common types of lightweight code review.
Part 3 of the 8-part series "Lightweight Peer Code Review" written by Jason Cohen, founder of Smart Bear and published by CM Crossroads.
The Largest Case Study of Peer Review, Ever
Results of a real-world experiment with 2500 reviews.
Part 4 of the 8-part series "Lightweight Peer Code Review" written by Jason Cohen, founder of Smart Bear and published by CM Crossroads.
Team-Building for the Cold, Dark, and Alone
How peer code review pulls developers together as a team, and why it's actually fun.
Part 5 of the 8-part series "Lightweight Peer Code Review" written by Jason Cohen, founder of Smart Bear and published by CM Crossroads.
Agile Peer Review:Methods, and Results Powerpoint Presentation
45-minute presentation on agile/lightweight peer code review:
- How code review saves money
- Current state of "Code Inspections"
- Motiviation for lightweight review
- Experimental data
- Results of largest case study ever published
- Social aspects of review
Best Kept Secrets of Peer Code Review
Table of Contents & Sample Chapters
Complete Table of Contents with some chapters available on-line:
- The Case for Peer Review
- The $1 billion bug and why no one talks about peer code review.
- Resistance to Code Review
- Why some developers resist code review and how new tools change the game.
- Five Types of Review
- Pros and cons of formal, over-the-shoulder, e-mail pass-around, pair-programming, and tool-assisted reviews.
- Brand New Information
- What modern literature has to say about code review; what studies do and don't agree on.
- Code Review at Cisco Systems
- The largest case study ever done on lightweight code review process; data and lessons.
- Social Effects of Peer Review
- Unexpected positive social aspects; handling hurt feelings, and the "Big Brother Effect."
- Questions for a Review Process
- Questions to ask and what to do with the answers when starting a peer review process.
- Measurement & Improvement
- Which metrics are useful, what do they mean, what do they not mean, and how to use them to improve the process.
- The Science of Review Process
- The code review process from the CMM/SEI perspective.
- Code Collaborator
- Screen-by-screen walk-through for the most popular peer code review tool on the market.
- About the Contributors
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