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TinyTask 1.22

유용한 소프트웨어들

by techbard 2009. 7. 23. 10:27



TinyTask provides basic automation (recording and playback). It is a case study in minimalist programming: the entire program is only 29k -- and over 10k are graphics, which means the executable portion is just a few K in size. It was used as the test harness for the "Recording" feature of vTask Studio.

New: now includes an EXE compiler! Turn your recordings into standalone programs. If you were stranded on a deserted island, this is the one program you would want.

There's no installer, configuration files, or anything unnecessary; just a tiny EXE program, which doesn't touch your registry or system folders.  Enjoy!


매우 간단한 역할을 하는 프로그램으로, 그냥 간단하게 레코드 & 플레이 백 용으로 요긴하다. 또 스탠드얼론 (독립 실행형)으로도 만들 수 있다고 하니, 다른 로직 구현이 가능한 스크립트와 함께 사용할 수도 있을 듯 하다.

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