Sustainable Software Development: An Agile Perspective을 읽다가 흥미로운 박스가 있어 적어본다.
Parking Lot Managers
I believe there are too many people in the software industry, managers especially, who judge the morale or productivity of their company by how many hours their employees work on evenings and weekends on a regular basis. I call these people
parking lot managers because they're often
proud of the fact that their company's parking lot is still full at midnight and on weekends. However, very few of these managers realize that full parking lot effort is not sustainable, that working harder may be valid in the short-term when a concerted effort is required, but it definitely not in the best long-term interests of the company.
Companies need people who treasure the contribution they make when at work and who are passionate about the success of the company. This has no correlation with the number of hours workd...
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