Harvard Extension School이라는데 (하버드 지역 분교쯤 되는 건가?), 모바일 앱 제작에 대한 강의를 공개하고 있더라... 오픈 코스 웨어라고 하는데, 다른 커리도 있는지 한 번 살펴봐야 할 듯...
This contains lectures of Building Mobile Applications for Android and iOS which is from Harvard university. This will be really helpfull. Today's applications are increasingly mobile. Computers are no longer confined to desks and laps but instead live in our pockets and hands. This course teaches students how to build mobile apps for Android and iOS, two of today's most popular platforms, and how to deploy them in Android Market and the App Store. Students learn how to write native apps for Android using Eclipse and the Android SDK, how to write native apps for iPhones, iPod touches, and iPads using Xcode and the iOS SDK, and how to write web apps for both platforms.
강의 자료 주소는 http://cdn.cs76.net/2011/spring/lectures/
댓글 영역