# path module
import os
import shutil
from os import path
print(path.isfile('c:\windows\explorer.exe'))if path.exists('c:\windows\explorer.exe'):
src = path.realpath('c:\windows\explorer.exe')print(src)
head, tail = path.split(src)
print('path:', head)
print('file:', tail)
path: c:\windows
file: explorer.exe
# HTTP 에러코드 얻기
import urllib.request
req = urllib.request.Request('http://www.pretend_server.org')
except urllib.error.URLError as e:
[Errno 11004] getaddrinfo failed
# json 데이터 읽기
import urllib.requestimport urllibimport json
def printResule(data): theJSON = json.loads(data.decode())
if 'title' in theJSON['metadata']: print(theJSON['metadata']['title'])
if 'count' in theJSON['metadata']: count = theJSON['metadata']['count'] print(str(count), 'events recorded.')
if 'features' in theJSON: for i in theJSON['features']: if i['properties']['mag'] >= 4.0: print('%2.1f' % i['properties']['mag'], i['properties']['place'])
for i in theJSON['features']: feltReports = i['properties']['felt'] if feltReports != None and feltReports > 0: print('%2.1f' % i['properties']['mag'], i['properties']['place'], 'reported', str(feltReports), 'times')
urlData = 'http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/feed/v1.0/summary/2.5_day.geojson'webUrl = urllib.request.urlopen(urlData)print('Server return code:', webUrl.getcode())
if webUrl.getcode() == 200: data = webUrl.read() printResule(data)else:print('Received an error from server: ', str(webUrl.getcode()))
결과)Server return code: 200USGS Magnitude 2.5+ Earthquakes, Past Day36 events recorded.4.9 43km E of Nishinoomote, Japan4.7 160km SSW of Suva, Fiji4.3 46km ESE of Curico, Chile4.0 93km SE of Yunaska Island, Alaska4.2 171km NNW of Saumlaki, Indonesia4.7 54km W of Bamboo Flat, India5.0 104km SSW of Banda Aceh, Indonesia5.3 98km SSW of Taron, Papua New Guinea4.8 Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge4.9 Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge4.1 41km N of Murghob, Tajikistan5.7 87km SW of Hihifo, Tonga5.3 82km WSW of Khuzdar, Pakistan
3.1 14km NE of Cherokee, Oklahoma reported 1 times2.5 9km SSE of Gilroy, California reported 1 times2.5 25km SE of Shingletown, California reported 4 times3.2 47km NW of Lordsburg, New Mexico reported 8 times3.1 38km N of Yucca Valley, California reported 2 times4.7 160km SSW of Suva, Fiji reported 1 times2.9 109km N of Dorado, Puerto Rico reported 1 times2.8 8km NW of Healdton, Oklahoma reported 1 times2.7 28km ENE of Pablo, Montana reported 1 times2.9 15km SW of Cherokee, Oklahoma reported 1 times
* json 데이터 포맷http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/feed/v1.0/geojson.php
# html module
: samplehtml.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Sample HTML Document</title>
<meta name="description" content="This is a sample HTML file" />
<meta name="author" content="Administrator" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width; initial-scale=1.0" />
<!-- Replace favicon.ico & apple-touch-icon.png in the root of your domain and delete these references -->
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico" />
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="/apple-touch-icon.png" />
<h1>HTML Sample File</h1>
<a href="/">Home</a>
<a href="/contact">Contact</a>
<p>© Copyright by Administrator</p>
# html 파일 파싱from html.parser import HTMLParsermetacount = 0class MyHTMLParser(HTMLParser):''' overriding '''def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):global metacountprint('Encounted a start tag', tag)if tag == 'meta':metacount += 1pos = self.getpos()print('At line:', pos[0], 'position', pos[1])if len(attrs) > 0:print('\tAttributes:')for a in attrs:print('\t', a[0], '=', a[1])def handle_endtag(self, data):print('Encounted an end tag:', data)pos = self.getpos()print('At line:', pos[0], 'position', pos[1])def handle_data(self, data):print('Encounted some data:', data)pos = self.getpos()print('At line:', pos[0], 'position', pos[1])def handle_comment(self, data):print('Encounted comment:', data)pos = self.getpos()print('At line:', pos[0], 'position', pos[1])parser = MyHTMLParser()f = open('samplehtml.html', 'r')contents = f.read()parser.feed(contents)print('%d meta tags encounted' % metacount)결과)Encounted some data:At line: 1 position 15Encounted a start tag htmlAt line: 2 position 0Attributes:lang = enEncounted some data:At line: 2 position 16Encounted a start tag headAt line: 3 position 2Encounted some data:At line: 3 position 8Encounted a start tag metaAt line: 4 position 4Attributes:charset = utf-8Encounted an end tag: metaAt line: 4 position 4Encounted some data:At line: 4 position 28Encounted a start tag titleAt line: 5 position 4Encounted some data: Sample HTML DocumentAt line: 5 position 11Encounted an end tag: titleAt line: 5 position 31Encounted some data:At line: 5 position 39Encounted a start tag metaAt line: 6 position 4Attributes:name = descriptioncontent = This is a sample HTML fileEncounted an end tag: metaAt line: 6 position 4Encounted some data:At line: 6 position 68Encounted a start tag metaAt line: 7 position 4Attributes:name = authorcontent = AdministratorEncounted an end tag: metaAt line: 7 position 4Encounted some data:At line: 7 position 50Encounted a start tag metaAt line: 8 position 4Attributes:name = viewportcontent = width=device-width; initial-scale=1.0Encounted an end tag: metaAt line: 8 position 4Encounted some data:At line: 8 position 76Encounted comment: Replace favicon.ico & apple-touch-icon.png in the root of your domain and delete these referencesAt line: 9 position 4Encounted some data:At line: 9 position 110Encounted a start tag linkAt line: 10 position 4Attributes:rel = shortcut iconhref = /favicon.icoEncounted an end tag: linkAt line: 10 position 4Encounted some data:At line: 10 position 52Encounted a start tag linkAt line: 11 position 4Attributes:rel = apple-touch-iconhref = /apple-touch-icon.pngEncounted an end tag: linkAt line: 11 position 4Encounted some data:At line: 11 position 64Encounted an end tag: headAt line: 12 position 2Encounted some data:At line: 12 position 9Encounted a start tag bodyAt line: 14 position 2Encounted some data:At line: 14 position 8Encounted a start tag divAt line: 15 position 4Encounted some data:At line: 15 position 9Encounted a start tag headerAt line: 16 position 6Encounted some data:At line: 16 position 14Encounted a start tag h1At line: 17 position 8Encounted some data: HTML Sample FileAt line: 17 position 12Encounted an end tag: h1At line: 17 position 28Encounted some data:At line: 17 position 33Encounted an end tag: headerAt line: 18 position 6Encounted some data:At line: 18 position 15Encounted a start tag navAt line: 19 position 6Encounted some data:At line: 19 position 11Encounted a start tag pAt line: 20 position 8Encounted some data:At line: 20 position 11Encounted a start tag aAt line: 21 position 10Attributes:href = /Encounted some data: HomeAt line: 21 position 22Encounted an end tag: aAt line: 21 position 26Encounted some data:At line: 21 position 30Encounted an end tag: pAt line: 22 position 8Encounted some data:At line: 22 position 12Encounted a start tag pAt line: 23 position 8Encounted some data:At line: 23 position 11Encounted a start tag aAt line: 24 position 10Attributes:href = /contactEncounted some data: ContactAt line: 24 position 29Encounted an end tag: aAt line: 24 position 36Encounted some data:At line: 24 position 40Encounted an end tag: pAt line: 25 position 8Encounted some data:At line: 25 position 12Encounted an end tag: navAt line: 26 position 6Encounted some data:At line: 26 position 12Encounted a start tag divAt line: 27 position 6Encounted some data:At line: 27 position 11Encounted an end tag: divAt line: 29 position 6Encounted some data:At line: 29 position 12Encounted a start tag footerAt line: 30 position 6Encounted some data:At line: 30 position 14Encounted a start tag pAt line: 31 position 8Encounted some data: Copyright by AdministratorAt line: 31 position 17Encounted an end tag: pAt line: 31 position 44Encounted some data:At line: 31 position 48Encounted an end tag: footerAt line: 32 position 6Encounted some data:At line: 32 position 15Encounted an end tag: divAt line: 33 position 4Encounted some data:At line: 33 position 10Encounted an end tag: bodyAt line: 34 position 2Encounted some data:At line: 34 position 9Encounted an end tag: htmlAt line: 35 position 0Encounted some data:At line: 35 position 74 meta tags encounted
# xml 데이터 읽기
: samplexml.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<home>San Francisco</home>
<skill name="JavaScript"/>
<skill name="Python"/>
<skill name="C#"/>
<skill name="HTML"/>
# xml 파일파싱import xml.dom.minidomdoc = xml.dom.minidom.parse('samplexml.xml')print(doc.nodeName)print(doc.firstChild.tagName)skills = doc.getElementsByTagName('skill')print('%d skills:' % skills.length)for skill in skills:print(skill.getAttribute('name'))newSkill = doc.createElement('skill')newSkill.setAttribute('name', 'jQuery')doc.firstChild.appendChild(newSkill)print()skills = doc.getElementsByTagName('skill')print('%d skills:' % skills.length)for skill in skills:print(skill.getAttribute('name'))결과)#documentperson4 skills:JavaScriptPythonC#HTML5 skills:JavaScriptPythonC#HTMLjQuery
# Representational State Transfer
# REST API just means a website that produces data
# intended for another computer program to consume,
# rather than something intended to be displayed
# to people in a browser.
# A REST API will respond to requests in a particular format and
# some things are common across many APIs about the format,
# but some things are specific to the particular API.
# {protocol}://{server}/{arguments}
# HTTP behind the scenes
# Path name
# Any web server gets to decide what format or arguments
# its willing to accept.
# base URL
# https://itunes.apple.com/search
# ?term=Ann+Arbor&entity=podcast
# ?
# key=value pairs.
# & <- separates the two pairs.
# ==> Its the basic structure of a request to a REST API.
import requests # pip install requests
import json
page = requests.get("https://api.datamuse.com/words?rel_rhy=funny")
print(page.text[:150]) # print the first 150 characters
print(page.url) # print the url that was fetched
x = page.json() # turn page.text into a python object
print("---first item in the list---")
print("---the whole list, pretty printed---")
print(json.dumps(x, indent=2)) # pretty print the results
# 결과
<class 'requests.models.Response'>
<class 'list'>
---first item in the list---
{'word': 'money', 'score': 4415, 'numSyllables': 2}
---the whole list, pretty printed---
"word": "money",
"score": 4415,
"numSyllables": 2
"word": "honey",
"score": 1206,
"numSyllables": 2
import requests
kval_pairs = {'rel_rhy': 'funny'}
page = requests.get("https://api.datamuse.com/words", params=kval_pairs)
d = {'q': '"violins and guitars"', 'tbm': 'isch'}
results = requests.get("https://google.com/search", params=d)
# 결과
# The answer is you are use the documentation for the API.
# https://www.datamuse.com/api/
import requests
def get_rhymes(word: str) -> list:
baseUrl = "https://api.datamuse.com/words"
params_dict = {}
params_dict["rel_rhy"] = word
params_dict["max"] = 3
resp = requests.get(baseUrl, params=params_dict)
word_ds = resp.json() # turn into a Python object by calling the JSON method on it.
return [d['word'] for d in word _ds]
# return resp.json()
# 결과
['money', 'honey', 'sunny']
['cache', 'flash', 'ash']
# What is a module?
# - All Python code is stored in files on your machine
# - These files containing Python code are called modules
# - You import module to get access to all functions, types, and other objects
# within the module
# Import the choice function from the random module
from random import choice
states = ['TX', 'AZ', 'CA', 'FL', 'OK', 'VT']
selection = choice(states)
from random import choices, sample, shuffle
selections = choices(states, k=3)
ret = sample(states, 3)
print(f"Before shuffle: {states}")
print(f"After shuffle: {states}")
# 결과
['CA', 'OK', 'CA']
['CA', 'AZ', 'VT']
Before shuffle: ['TX', 'AZ', 'CA', 'FL', 'OK', 'VT']
After shuffle: ['TX', 'AZ', 'FL', 'OK', 'VT', 'CA']
# Alias names when importing with as
# - Alias: use a different variable name
# - Can alias an entire module or a single name
import statistics as st
a_list = [1, 5, 10, 3, 1]
mean_value = st.mean(a_list)
# 결과
s = """Please inform John (john@domail1.com) and Penelope
(penelope@domain2.io) as well as Eleni (eleni@domain3.edu)
that baseball practice is cancelled for tomorrow."""
import re
pattern = r"(\w+)@(\w+)\.(\w+)"
rst = re.findall(pattern, s)
# Output:
[('john', 'domail1', 'com'), ('penelope', 'domain2', 'io'), ('eleni', 'domain3', 'edu')]
import datetime
d = datetime.date(2024, 11, 11)
t = datetime.time(10, 57, 33)
dt = datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 11, 10, 57, 33, 857_000)
td = datetime.timedelta(days=7, hours=17, seconds=55)
print(dt + td)
# 결과
7 days, 17:00:55
2024-11-19 03:58:28.857000
import calendar
# calendar.prmonth(2024, 11)
# Output:
November 2024
Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30
cal = calendar.Calendar()
dd = cal.monthdatescalendar(2024, 11)
[[datetime.date(2024, 10, 28), datetime.date(2024, 10, 29), datetime.date(2024, 10, 30), datetime.date(2024, 10, 31), datetime.date(2024, 11, 1), datetime.date(2024, 11, 2), datetime.date(2024, 11, 3)], [datetime.date(2024, 11, 4), datetime.date(2024, 11, 5), datetime.date(2024, 11, 6), datetime.date(2024, 11, 7), datetime.date(2024, 11, 8), datetime.date(2024, 11, 9), datetime.date(2024, 11, 10)], [datetime.date(2024, 11, 11), datetime.date(2024, 11, 12), datetime.date(2024, 11, 13), datetime.date(2024, 11, 14), datetime.date(2024, 11, 15), datetime.date(2024, 11, 16), datetime.date(2024, 11, 17)], [datetime.date(2024, 11, 18), datetime.date(2024, 11, 19), datetime.date(2024, 11, 20), datetime.date(2024, 11, 21), datetime.date(2024, 11, 22), datetime.date(2024, 11, 23), datetime.date(2024, 11, 24)], [datetime.date(2024, 11, 25), datetime.date(2024, 11, 26), datetime.date(2024, 11, 27), datetime.date(2024, 11, 28), datetime.date(2024, 11, 29), datetime.date(2024, 11, 30), datetime.date(2024, 12, 1)]]
import time
number_of_seconds_since_Unix_epoch = time.time()
delay = 5
start_time = time.time()
while delay > 0:
print(f"{delay} seconds to launch.")
delay -= 1
end_time = time.time()
elapsed_time = end_time - start_time
print(f"The countdown took {elapsed_time:.7f} seconds")
# 결과
5 seconds to launch.
4 seconds to launch.
3 seconds to launch.
2 seconds to launch.
1 seconds to launch.
The countdown took 5.0037036 seconds
# Count occurrences of letters in a string
string = 'peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers'
d = {}
for char in string:
if char not in d:
d[char] = 1
d[char] += 1
from collections import Counter
ct = Counter(string)
mc = ct.most_common(3)
# 결과
{'p': 9, 'e': 8, 't': 1, 'r': 3, ' ': 7, 'i': 3, 'c': 3, 'k': 3, 'd': 2, 'a': 1, 'o': 1, 'f': 1, 'l': 1, 's': 1}
Counter({'p': 9, 'e': 8, ' ': 7, 'r': 3, 'i': 3, 'c': 3, 'k': 3, 'd': 2, 't': 1, 'a': 1, 'o': 1, 'f': 1, 'l': 1, 's': 1})
[('p', 9), ('e', 8), (' ', 7)]
# The copy module
a = [1, 2, 3]
b = a
print(f"a is b: {a is b}")
b = a.copy()
print(f"a is b: {a is b}")
# Shallow copies
# - A list within a list is not copied
a = [1, 2, [3, 4], 5]
b = a.copy()
print(f"a is b: {a is b}")
# but, 리스트 안의 리스트의 요소를 변화시키면 copy가 무색해 진다.
a[-2][0] = 99
print(f"a = {a}")
print(f"b = {b}")
# Must perform a deepcopy
import copy
a = [1, 2, [3, 4], 5]
b = copy.deepcopy(a)
print(f"a is b: {a is b}")
a[-2][0] = 99
print(f"a = {a}")
print(f"b = {b}")
# 결과
a is b: True
a is b: False
a is b: False
a = [1, 2, [99, 4], 5]
b = [1, 2, [99, 4], 5]
a is b: False
a = [1, 2, [99, 4], 5]
b = [1, 2, [3, 4], 5]
import math
print(math.gcd(60, 76))
print(math.dist([5, 8], [3, 1]))
# 결과
stats = [98, 77, 88, 65, 90, 54, 52, 52]
import statistics as st
# 결과
import sys
# 결과
3.13.0 (tags/v3.13.0:60403a5, Oct 7 2024, 09:38:07) [MSC v.1941 64 bit (AMD64)]
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