# while loop, dict, type annotation의 사용
import random
count: int = 5
# Generate 'n' unique random numbers within a range
ran_nums: list = random.sample(range(10), count)
d: dict = {num: 'even/odd' for num in ran_nums}
while count > 0:
cur_num: int = ran_nums[count-1]
if cur_num % 2 == 0 :
d[cur_num] = 'even'
d[cur_num] = 'odd'
count -= 1
# 결과
{2: 'even', 8: 'even', 7: 'odd', 9: 'odd', 3: 'odd'}
# I must stress, though that your priority
# should always be readability.
# And that while shortened code might look
# cool at first, in the long run it will absolutely
# waste everybody's time.
# It's up to you to decide whether it's readable or not.
name: int = 2
# one liner solution (== shorthand if else statement)
result: str = 'Above 0' if name > 0 else '0 or below'
# 다만, shorthand로 구현하면 중간에 추가 코드 블럭을 넣을 수 없다.
condition: bool = True
var: str = 'True' if condition else 'False'
# 결과
Above 0
# for-loop: allows us to iterate through any iterable and to execute code
# on each iteration.
# type hint. list내의 요소의 타입도 명시 가능하다.
people: list[str] = ['Bob', 'James', 'Maria']
for person in people:
if len(person) > 4:
print(f"{person} has a long name.")
print(f"{person} has a short name.")
# 결과
Bob has a short name.
James has a long name.
Maria has a long name.
# while - loop
import time
connected: bool = True
while connected:
print("Using internet...")
connected = False
print("Connection ended...")
# 결과
Using internet...
Connection ended...
# while - loop example
print("Welcome to Calc plus!")
print('\t Add positive numbers, or enter "0" to exit.')
total = []
while True:
user_input: int = int(input("Enter a number: "))
if user_input < 0:
print("!!!Please enter a positive number.")
elif user_input == 0:
print(f"Sum of your input: {sum(total)}")
# 결과
Welcome to Calc plus!
Add positive numbers, or enter "0" to exit.
Enter a number: 10
Enter a number: 20
Enter a number: -5
!!!Please enter a positive number.
Enter a number: 0
Sum of your input: 30
import random
import sys
moves: dict = {'rock': 'Rock', 'paper': 'Paper', 'scissors': 'Scissors'}
valid_moves: list[str] = list(moves.keys())
while True:
user_move: str = input('Rock, paper, or scissors? >> ').lower()
if user_move == 'exit':
print("Thanks for playing!")
elif user_move not in valid_moves:
print("You entered invalid moves. try again...")
ai_move: str = random.choice(valid_moves)
print(f"You: {moves[user_move]}")
print(f"AI: {moves[ai_move]}")
# Check moves
if user_move == ai_move:
print("It's a tie!")
elif user_move == 'rock' and ai_move == 'scissors':
print("You win!")
elif user_move == 'scissors' and ai_move == 'paper':
print("You win!")
elif user_move == 'paper' and ai_move == 'rock':
print("You win!")
print("AI win...")
# 결과
Rock, paper, or scissors? >> paper
You: Paper
AI: Paper
It's a tie!
Rock, paper, or scissors? >> exit
Thanks for playing!
# Guess number game
import random
import sys
def create_guess_num():
return random.randint(1, 100)
user_try = 1
guess_num = create_guess_num()
print(f"Welcome to guess number game")
while True:
user_num = int(input("\tGuess one number (1-100) or exit to 0 >> "))
if user_num < 0:
raise ValueError
if user_num == 0:
print("Bye! now.")
except ValueError:
print("\tInvalid number. try again.")
if user_num < guess_num:
print("\tIt's a high number.")
elif user_num > guess_num:
print("\tIt's a low number.")
elif user_num == guess_num:
print(f"\tCorrect! Guess num: {guess_num}, you tried {user_try} rounds.")
user_try += 1
# 결과
Welcome to guess number game
Guess one number (0-100) or exit to 0 >> 50
It's a high number.
Guess one number (0-100) or exit to 0 >> 75
It's a high number.
Guess one number (0-100) or exit to 0 >> 85
It's a high number.
Guess one number (0-100) or exit to 0 >> 90
It's a high number.
Guess one number (0-100) or exit to 0 >> 95
It's a low number.
Guess one number (0-100) or exit to 0 >> 93
It's a low number.
Guess one number (0-100) or exit to 0 >> 92
It's a low number.
Guess one number (0-100) or exit to 0 >> 91
Correct! Guess num: 91, you tried 8 rounds.
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