저 유명한 배리 보엠 교수의 클래식 책을 한 권 구매했다. 특이하게도 이것은 국내 중고 책서점에서 구매 했는데, 연륜을 말해 주듯이 상태가 그다지 좋지는 않은 듯. ^^
COCOMO라 불리는 공수 추정에 대한 이론적 근거 이기도 하고, 웬만한 소프트웨어 테스팅 서적에서 이 책 이름을 반드시 보았었다! 고로 구매를 결정!
아마존의 독자 서평을 무단으로 옮겨본다. ^^
Still a classic, January 26, 2004
By Bas (Amsterdam, Holland) - See all my reviews
Software Engineering Economics is one of the biggest classics in software engineering books. Still today (2004) much of the content is valid and the discussions are very useful. When reading this book you should realize that it's from 1981 and that much has changed since then.
Personally I especially likes the Part III and Part IV which were about the factors changing the software estimate and the reasons why. The last chapter of the book is something everyone should read who is working in quality/process management and is trying to improve productivity of a large project.
Still a classic and worth reading!
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