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Singleton Pattern


by techbard 2016. 7. 22. 13:56



# What is a singleton?

- There are situations where exactly one object of a particula type is needed.

- Where it would be bad to have any more than one object of a particular class.

- Device drivers, registry setting manager, or other system - wide shared objects are the classic examples.

- Singleton objects also make sense where the state of an object consumes a lot of memory, and just one version of that state is sufficient for the entire application.

# A singleton object must satisfy two attributes

- Exactly one (well actually, at most one) instance of the object should exist.

- Everyone must be able to access that one singleton object. (This means that the object needs to be globally accessible.)

# code

public class Singleton {


    private static Singleton singleton;


    private Singleton() {}


    public static synchronized Singleton getInstance() {

if (singleton == null) {

   singleton = new Singleton();


return singleton;



# Singleton - another ver.

public class Singleton {

    // volatile is 'synchronized' on the variable itself

    private volatile static Singleton singleton = new Singleton();


    private Singleton() {}


    public static Singleton getInstance() {

return singleton;



# Declaring a volatile Java variable means: The value of this variable will never be cached thread-locally: all reads and writes will go straight to "main memory"; Access to the variable acts as though it is enclosed in a synchronized block, synchronized on itself.


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