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How record playback can be built into the app under test by the developers


by techbard 2007. 6. 4. 13:41



Increasing the Effectiveness of Automated Testing

Presented at XP 2001 by Shaun Smith (ClearStream Consulting Inc.) and Gerard Meszaros (ClearStream Consulting Inc.).


This paper describes techniques that can be used to reduce the execution time and maintenence cost of the automated regression test suites that are used to drive development in eXtreme progamming (XP). Developers are likely to write and run tests, thus getting valuable feedback, if testing is as painless as possible. Test execution time can be reduced by using an in-memory database to eliminate the latency introduced by accessing a disk-based database and/or file system. This paper also describes how the efort of test development can be reduced through the use of a framework that simplifies setup and teardownof text fixtures.

Test Automation Manifesto

Presented at XP/Agile Universe 2003 Conference by Gerard Meszaros and Shaun Smith (ClearStream Consulting Inc.).

AbstractTwo key aspects of eXtreme Programming are automated testing and frequent refactoring. But is refactoring the best way to arrive at a set of tests that are both sufficient and maintainable? This paper builds on previously cataloged test smells, classifies these smells into two broad categories
and introduces principles (or goals) for test automation. It also provides the start of a generative pattern language that helps guide the construction of automated tests that should not require extensive refactoring.

Agile Regression Testing Using Record & Playback

Presented at XP/Agile Universe 2003 Conference by Gerard Meszaros(ClearStream Consulting Inc.).

AbstractThere are times when it is not practical to hand-script automated tests for an existing system before one starts to modify it. In these circumstances, the use of “record & playback” testing may be a viable alternative to hand-writing all the tests. This paper describes experiences using this approach and summarizes key learnings applicable to other projects.

Generative Acceptance Testing for Difficult-To-Test Software

Present by Jenitta Andrea (ClearStream Consulting Inc.).

While there are many excellent acceptance testing tools and frameworks available today, this paper presents an alternative approach, involving generating code from tests specified in a declarative tabular format within Excel spreadsheets. While this is a general approach, it is most applicable
to difficult-to-test situations. Two such situations are presented: one
involving complex fixture setup, and another involving complex application workflow concerns.

Adding Usability Testing to an Agile Project

Presented at Agile 2006 by: Gerard Meszaros, clearStream Consulting and Janice Aston, CPR


We added usability testing based on paper prototypes and early working versions of the application to the agile development process. This resulted in better quality software, reduced rework and very satisfied users. The paper prototype also had unexpected benefits because it was a tangible representation of the project vision.


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