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AutoIt v3.3.2.0

유용한 소프트웨어들

by techbard 2009. 12. 22. 10:30


1년여의 공백을 깨고 AutoIt 새 버전이 릴리즈 되었다. 지난 릴리즈가 작년 XMAS 선물 격으로 릴리즈 된 걸 보면 이 양반은 무언가에 의미를 부여하는 것을 좋아하나보다. 아쉽게도 이번 버전에서 눈에 띄일만한 major change는 없다.

주로 버그 fix와 일관적이지 않은 문법에 대한 수정 같은데, 아쉽기만 하다. 쥔장 생각에는 기본으로 포함되어도 좋을 UDF나 DLL 들이 많은데...


18th December, 2009 - v3.3.2.0


    * Added #529: Added the "NAME" property to allow direct search for .NET WinForm control names.
    * Added #757: Set defaults for MouseClick()'s x/y parameters.
    * Added #764: Return Pid on ProcessWait() and handle on WinWait(), WinWaitActive, WinActivate(), WinActive(), WinMove() when successful.
    * Added #414: better handling of OnAutoItStart/OnAutoItExit, now #OnAutoItStartRegister, OnAutoItExitRegister() and OnAutoItExitUnRegister().
    * Added: Better handling of AdlibEnable/AdlibDisable, now AdlibRegister(), AdlibUnRegister() and AdlibDisable().
    * Added #351: Reverse PixelSearch().
    * Added #769: FileFlush() function.
    * Added #333: #NoAutoIt3Execute Directive for disabling /AutoIt3ExecuteScript or /AutoIt3ExecuteLine.
    * Added #604: $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT can be used with label, group, radio, checkbox controls.
    * Added #135: FileSetPos(), FileGetPos() functions for moving the file pointer around.
    * Added #582: GUICtrlSetTip() can be used on TabItem controls.
    * Added #699: Shutdown() now return @error=GetLastError() when failing.
    * Added #461: StringReplace() from right to left if occurrence <0 as for StringInStr().
    * Added: GUICtrlSetColor() and GUICtrlSetBkColor() for Combo Controls.
    * Added: GUI without title bar (no $WS_CAPTION) can be moved with the mouse.
    * Added #815: Temporary variables can be passed ByRef.
    * Added #837: FileFindNextFile() set @extended if a directory is returned.
    * Added #839: Shutdown() rewritten and now works properly when run as a non-interactive user.
    * Added: Shutdown() now takes an optional reason code.
    * Added #846: _PathFull() now supports strange but valid syntax where drives do not have a trailing slash.
    * Added #869: @MUILang macro to help MUI environment scripts.
    * Added #918: Added Quality parameter to GUICtrlSetFont() and GUISetFont().
    * Added: ProcessClose() return info on error.
    * Added: PixelChecksum() extra parameter to select CRC32 instead of ADLER.
    * Added #984: @OSVersion now returns "WIN_XPe" for Windows XP Embedded.
    * Added #938: UDPOpen() flag to allow broadcasting with
    * Added: new types to DllCall and DllStruct to avoid confusion with MSDN description. That avoid specially X64 errors.
    * Added #351: PixelSearch() now supports both right-to-left and bottom-to-top searches.
    * Added #508: Static keyword.
    * Added #1056: New Inet option to by-pass forcing the connection online.
    * Added: DllStructSetData() and DllStructGetData() index parameter now supports the Default keyword.
    * Added #1270: GuiSetIcon() now finds suitable large and small icons.
    * Added: HttpSetUserAgent(), InetClose(), InetGetInfo() and InetRead() functions.
    * Added: Multiple background downloads are now supported with InetGet().
    * Added #408: New flag for ignoring SSL errors for HTTPS connections.
    * Added #884: Better proxy support with mode 0.
    * Added #949: The user-agent can be changed.

    * Fixed: CtrlSetStyle listview on non selected tab.
    * Fixed #763: GUICtrlCreateIcon() create an empty icon on error.
    * Fixed: no mouse move when invalid button used in MouseClick() or MouseClickDrag().
    * Fixed #779: infinite loop on Exit due to GUICreate() child badly created.
    * Fixed #774: GuiCtrlSetBkColor() bad label display.
    * Fixed #790: Windows region constant $ERROR rename in $ERRORREGION.
    * Fixed: StringInStr("aaa", "aa", 2) does not return 0.
    * Fixed #802: Searching for controls by Height property.
    * Fixed: Checkbox or radio painting on tab.
    * Fixed #816: data for GUI date control doc clarification.
    * Fixed #819: Crash with EventLog functions.
    * Fixed #814: InetGet() through a proxy requiring authentication did not work.
    * Fixed #813: bad handling of Windows advanced matching for [HANDLE:...] in X64 version.
    * Fixed #863: DirMove() extra dot.
    * Fixed #867: UDPRecv() can return from IP/Port.
    * Fixed #886: More explicit documentation that operator == is a forced string comparison.
    * Fixed #885: Default compared to False returned True instead of False.
    * Fixed #888: Send("{}}") Extra null char.
    * Fixed: DllCall() returning 64-bit int.
    * Fixed: GuiCtrlSetImage() after GUI resized.
    *  Fixed: DirMove() return code wrong under XP.
    * Fixed #931: bad GUICtrlSetResizing() for graphic control.
    * Fixed #934: MouseGetCursor() hogging mouse double click.
    * Fixed #615: License updated to be less restrictive.
    * Fixed #919: Remarks added to ConsoleWrite(), ConsoleWriteError() and StdinWrite() regarding how those functions handle binary data and non-ANSI characters.
    * Fixed #897: Documented that StringToASCIIArray() does not accept binary input (convert to a string first).
    * Fixed #937: Bad event handling of Opt("TrayMenuMode",1)
    * Fixed #969: FileFindNextFile() does not set @extended if first found is a dir.
    * Fixed #1006: @MSEC returned wrong value for values < 100.
    * Fixed #1010: FileRead() UTF8 with BOM files return too many chars.
    * Fixed #1013: MDI childs doesn't adjust to parent windows client area.
    * Fixed #1005: TraySetClick(64) = hovering.
    * Fixed: ClipPut("") not emptying.
    * Fixed #1068: Binary to Int.
    * Fixed: Bad painting on double GUICtrlSetPos() for label.
    * Fixed #1094: Send("{LSHIFT UP}") stay down.
    * Fixed #1074: Inputbox() positionning on multi monitor.
    * Fixed #1105: disable colored Multiline button not properly displayed.
    * Fixed #1077: GUICtrlSetBkColor() bad recoloring.
    * Fixed #1116: GUICtrlCreateGraphic don't follow ResizeMode.
    * Fixed #1102: Better documentation of the StringInStr() count parameter.
    * Fixed #1161: Removed all documentation references to ColorMode.
    * Fixed #1156: AutoItSetOption()/Opt() now set @error instead of generating a fatal error with invalid input.
    * Fixed: Comparing pointers now works correctly.
    * Fixed #906: ActiveX controls were not told what their initial size was.
    * Fixed: Boolean tests on binary strings now behaves properly.
    * Fixed #1234: COM methods that modified boolean arguments could change them to ints.
    * Fixed #1258: System menu could display when trying to dismiss a control menu.
    * Fixed #1288: Documented how DllStructSetData() and DllStructGetData() work with arrays when omitting the index parameter.
    * Fixed #1300: DLLs could unload when calling DllCall() with an invalid function.
    * Fixed #1295: Unicode to ANSI conversion was crashing in certain situations.
    * Fixed #1304: _GDIPlus_BitmapLockBits() now correctly takes a Width and Height parameter instead of a Right and Bottom.
    * Fixed #1294: Fixed AutoIt deadlock when using the following functions with hanged windows: WinGetTitle, WinSetTitle, WinGetText, WinFlash, WinSetOnTop
    * Fixed #1332: Mod() forced a conversion to floating point numbers when it didn't need to which can cause unexpected output.
    * Fixed #1321: DllStructCreate() did not support _ in data names. Documented valid characters for data name.
    * Fixed #1322: Crash when using ControlCommand("GetSelected") on non-Edit controls.
    * Fixed #1325: Some date functions could attempt to access an invalid array.
    * Fixed #1345: Number() failed to handle numbers with a trailing decimal point.

    * Changed: It is now possible to read from files opened for writing.
    * Changed: PCRE regular expression engine updated to 8.00.
    * Changed #899: ShellExecute[Wait]() no longer uses "open" as the default verb. See remarks section for those functions for more information.
    * Changed: Inet functions rewritten with the following additions and changes:
    * Removed: Long deprecate URLDownloadToFile() alias for InetGet().
    * Changed: InetGet() returns a handle which must be closed.
    * Changed: @InetGetBytes, @InetGetActive and InetGet("abort") are deprecated and will be removed in the future.
    * Changed #968: AutoUpdateIt updated by ProgAndy to use new Inet features.
    * Changed: @YDAY now returns values in the range 001 - 366 instead of 1 - 366. This makes the macro more consistent with other languages (like C/C++) and more consistent with all other date related macros which return strings with leading 0s to pad the length. THIS IS A SCRIPT BREAKING CHANGE.
    * Changed #1080: InetGet background downloads now return immediately instead of connecting to the remote host first.
    * Changed #1137: RegEnumKey() and RegEnumVal() now correctly return an empty string on failure instead of an error message string.
    * Changed: PixelChecksum() can calculate checksums from right-to-left and bottom-to-top.
    * Changed: InputBox() no longer requires passing both x and y or w and h.
    * Changed #1056: Added new Inet option to by-pass forcing the connection online.


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