2007.12.04 by techbard
Software Testing Management: Life on the Critical Path (Hardcover) by Thomas C. Royer (Author)
2007.12.04 by techbard
테스트 기법 선택의 전략
2007.12.02 by techbard
Quality Guru's
2007.12.02 by techbard
마이크로소프트 Tester Biographies
2007.12.02 by techbard
Practical Software Measurement: Objective Information for Decision Makers (Hardcover)
2007.12.01 by techbard
Risky area 판단의 가이드
2007.11.29 by techbard
Software Quality Assurance: From Theory to Implementation by Daniel Galin
2007.11.27 by techbard