소프트웨어 추정 : 그 마법을 파헤치다
2007.12.12 by techbard
2007.12.04 by techbard
Software Testing Management: Life on the Critical Path (Hardcover) by Thomas C. Royer (Author)
2007.12.04 by techbard
Quality Guru's
2007.12.02 by techbard
Practical Software Measurement: Objective Information for Decision Makers (Hardcover)
2007.12.01 by techbard
Risky area 판단의 가이드
2007.11.29 by techbard
Software Quality Assurance: From Theory to Implementation by Daniel Galin
2007.11.27 by techbard
마인드 맵을 이용한 테스트 케이스 디자인
2007.11.23 by techbard