The top five software-testing problems and how to avoid them by Lars Mats
2007.06.07 by techbard
Association for Software Testing (AST) 컨퍼런스 자료
2007.06.07 by techbard
이메일 쓰기에 대한 지침 from 백 마디 말보다 강력한 페이퍼 한 장
2007.06.07 by techbard
Software Testing by Marc Roper
2007.06.04 by techbard
Practical Model-Based Testing: A Tools Approach by Mark Utting, Bruno Legeard
2007.06.04 by techbard
The Road to Successful Test Automation - 10 Pitfalls Test Managers Should be Aware of -
2007.06.04 by techbard
버그 리포트의 필수 항목 by 인도인
2007.06.04 by techbard
How record playback can be built into the app under test by the developers
2007.06.04 by techbard